We welcome our new department colleagues


Harald Fadinger

Fabian Greimel

Sörren Harrs

Moritz Loewenfeld

Helene Mass

Harald Fadinger

Harald is joining the department as Professor of Macroeconomics. Previously, he was a Marie Curie Fellow at Université Libre, Brussels (ECARES), Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna and Associate and Full Professor of Economics at the University of Mannheim.

Harald holds degrees in Economics and in Law from the University of Vienna. He did his graduate studies at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, where he obtained an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Economics. He is also a Research Fellow in the areas Trade and Regional Economics and Climate Change and the Environment at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London/Paris, a Senior Member of the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) and a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) Vienna.

Harald’s main research interests include international trade, economic growth, international macroeconomics, organizational economics and environmental economics. His current research focuses on international competitiveness, productivity, trade policy and trade agreements, economic linkages and global value chains, labor markets, firm organization and the link between trade and the environment.

In his free time, Harald enjoys running, swimming, biking, calisthenics and hiking. He is also a decent guitar player and passionate about politics, languages and food. 

Fabian Greimel

Fabian is joining us from the University of Amsterdam, where he was a Tenure Track Assistant Professor since 2020. He is a macroeconomist with an interest in housing markets and economic inequalities.

Fabian is glad to be back in Vienna, where he obtained his Bachelor and Master degrees in economics. To relax, he enjoys watching wild bees and butterflies on the wildflowers in his garden with his two sons.

Sören Harrs

Sören is joining us from the University of Cologne, where he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Bettina Rockenbach. Sören is an experimental economist, interested in understanding how fairness and identity influence economic decisions and political preferences.

In his research, he combines experimental methods, panel data and large-scale surveys in representative samples. During his PhD, he was a YEP student at ECONtribute and did research visits at FAIR in Bergen and at the UC San Diego.

Sören is excited to join the Department of Economics and the University of Vienna. In his free time, he likes to spend time in nature, plays soccer, and enjoys boardgames.

Moritz Loewenfeld

Moritz is joining us from the Toulouse School of Economics, where he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Astrid Hopfensitz and Sébastien Pouget. His main fields of interest are behavioral and experimental economics, as well as microeconomic theory. His work often combines theoretical and experimental approaches. His current research focuses on how people make decisions under risk in various settings and how they interpret and react to random outcomes.

Moritz is looking forward to meeting his new colleagues in the Department of Economics. As an enthusiastic climber and runner, he is also excited about discovering Vienna and its surroundings.

Helene Mass