In the Media
In the media
Economic thinking can be applied to many issues and economists offer advice and opinions to a broad range of topics. Below we list recent contributions to dissemination of research, public debate, interviews and public speeches of our faculty. Authors express their personal views.
Zur Treffsicherheit von Notenbank-Prognosen nach der Finanzkrise
Fachkräftemangel - Masterplan Demografie und Arbeitsmarkt
Wirtschaftsstandort Wien
Kalte Progression. Körberlgeld für den Staat oder doch eine Enteignung?
Promoting temporary work as an active labour market programme
The media coverage of immigrant criminality: From scapegoating to populism
Populists often claim that immigration is a threat to the interests of the majority. This column quantifies the extent to which the media coverage of immigrant crime fuelled populist political support in a Swiss referendum. It finds that disproportionate coverage of immigrant crime increased an anti-minaret vote by 5%.
Das Tankstellen Portal
Das Tankstellen-Portal: Ein Ökonom kann erklären, wie das Internet die Preise in die Höhe treibt. Interview im Ö1 Wissenschaftsmagazin
Forscher wollen dem Suchverhalten von Konsumenten auf den Grund gehen
Auf der Suche nach dem besten Preis
In Zeiten der Globalisierung lieber Menschen als Arbeitsplätze schützen
You can't always get what you want: The real exchange rate and manufacturing performance in a world of global value chains
Real exchange rate devaluations are typically seen as a viable development strategy, but the effectiveness of the approach may vary over time and across countries. This column explores this issue by focusing on the microeconomics of firm-level responses to exchange rate fluctuations. Results show varying patterns of responses to fluctuations by region and by import/export orientation. These results highlight the crucial role of a firm’s integration in global value chains.
10 years after the Lehmann collapse - Why are the shockwaves still being felt?
10 Years After the Lehman Collapse—Why Are the Shockwaves Still Being Felt?
Article on the long-lasting macroeconomic effects of the financial market disruptions of 2007-2008.
Published by BRINKS News, a digital news service on global economic affairs.
Die Eurozone braucht zum Überleben strengere Regeln und mehr Solidarität.
Putting a price on prejudice
Workplace discrimination is expensive. When does it become too costly for the discriminator?
Report on Hedegaard and Tyran (2018): The Price of Prejudice, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 10:1
Große politische Akzente sieht man nicht
Der Bitcoin ist keine Erfolgsgeschichte
Auch Burgenländern Familienbeihilfe kürzen
Politik muss Staatsschulden jetzt senken, um mehr Spielraum für die Zukunft zu schaffen
Eksperiment: Vælgerne gennemskuer ikke egoistiske politikere
Artikel über
"Choosing a Public-Spirited Leader. An Experimental Investigation of Political Selection" von Markussen, T. und Tyran, J.-R.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2017, 144: 204-18.