Showing entries 171 - 175 out of 175
Villoresi, P, Tamburini, F, Aspelmeyer, M, Jennewein, T, Ursin, R, Pernechele, C, Bianco, G, Zeilinger, A & Barbieri, C 2004, Space-to-ground quantum-communication using an optical ground station: A feasibility study. in Quantum Information, Quantum Sources, and Quantum Memory. International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE), Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 5551, pp. 113-120.

Aspelmeyer, M, Böhm, H, Gyatso, T, Jennewein, T, Kaltenbaek, R, Lindenthal, M, Molina, G, Poppe, A, Resch, K, Taraba, M, Ursin, R, Walther, P & Zeilinger, A 2003, 'Long-distance free-space distribution of quantum entanglement', Science, vol. 301, no. 5633, pp. 621-623.

Pan, J-W, Gasparoni, S, Aspelmeyer, M, Jennewein, T & Zeilinger, A 2003, 'Experimental realization of freely propagating teleported qubits', Nature, vol. 421, no. 6924, pp. 721-725.

Aspelmeyer, M, Böhm, HR, Brukner, C, Kaltenbaek, R, Lindenthal, M, Petschinka, J, Jennewein, T, Ursin, R, Walther, P, Zeilinger, A, Pfennigbauer, M & Leeb, WR 2003, Quantum Communications in Space. in Technical Report under contract 16358/02, ESA. ESA Publications Division.

Showing entries 171 - 175 out of 175