Showing entries 151 - 160 out of 175
Aspelmeyer, M 2007, 'Quantum optics: Enlightened chips', Nature Photonics, vol. 1, pp. 94-95.
Kaltenbaek, R, Blauensteiner, B, Zukowski, M, Aspelmeyer, M & Zeilinger, A 2006, 'Experimental interference of independent photons', Physical Review Letters, vol. 96, no. 24, 240502.
Böhm, H, Gigan, S, Blaser, F, Zeilinger, A, Aspelmeyer, M, Langer, G, Bäuerle, D, Hertzberg, JB & Schwab, KC 2006, 'High reflectivity high-Q micromechanical Bragg mirror', Applied Physics Letters, vol. 89, no. 22, 223101.
Bonato, C, Aspelmeyer, M, Jennewein, T, Pernechele, C, Villoresi, P & Zeilinger, A 2006, 'Influence of satellite motion on polarization qubits in a Space-Earth quantum communication link', Optics Express, vol. 14, no. 21, pp. 10050-10059.
Paternostro, M, Gigan, S, Kim, M, Blaser, F, Böhm, H & Aspelmeyer, M 2006, 'Reconstructing the dynamics of a movable mirror in a detuned optical cavity', New Journal of Physics, vol. 8, 107.
Gigan, S, Böhm, H, Paternostro, M, Blaser, F, Langer, G, Hertzberg, JB, Schwab, KC, Bäuerle, D, Aspelmeyer, M & Zeilinger, A 2006, 'Self-cooling of a micromirror by radiation pressure', Nature, vol. 444, no. 7115, pp. 67-70.
Walther, P, Aspelmeyer, M, Resch, KJ & Zeilinger, A 2005, 'Experimental violation of a cluster state bell inequality', Physical Review Letters, vol. 95, no. 2, 020403.
Arndt, M, Aspelmeyer, M, Bernstein, HJ, Bertlmann, R, Brukner, C, Dowling, JP, Eisert, J, Ekert, A, Fuchs, CA, Greenberger, DM, Horne, MA, Jennewein, T, Kwiat, PG, Mermin, ND, Pan, J-W, Rasel, EM, Rauch, H, Rudolph, TG, Salomon, C, Sergienko, AV, Schmiedmayer, J, Simon, C, Vedral, V, Walther, P, Weihs, G, Zoller, P & Zukowski, M, Quantum Physics from A to Z, 2005, Web publication. <>
Walther, P, Resch, K, Rudolph, T, Schenck, E, Weinfurter, H, Vedral, V, Aspelmeyer, M & Zeilinger, A 2005, 'Experimental one-way quantum computing', Nature, vol. 434, no. 7030, pp. 169-176.
Aspelmeyer, M, Böhm, H, Fedrizzi, A, Gasparoni, S, Lindenthal, M, Molina-Terriza, G, Poppe, A, Resch, K, Ursin, R, Walther, P, Zeilinger, A & Jennewein, T 2005, Advanced Quantum Communications Experiments with Entangled Photons. in AV Sergienko (ed.), Quantum Communications and Cryptography. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 45-81.
Showing entries 151 - 160 out of 175