Showing entries 11 - 20 out of 175
Kaltenbaek, R, Arndt, M, Aspelmeyer, M, Barker, PF, Bassi, A, Bateman, J, Belenchia, A, Bergé, J, Braxmaier, C, Bose, S, Christophe, B, Cole, GD, Curceanu, C, Datta, A, Debiossac, M, Delić, U, Diósi, L, Geraci, AA, Gerlich, S, Guerlin, C, Hechenblaikner, G, Heidmann, A, Herrmann, S, Hornberger, K, Johann, U, Kiesel, N, Lämmerzahl, C, LeBrun, TW, Milburn, GJ, Millen, J, Mohageg, M, Moore, DC, Morley, GW, Nimmrichter, S, Novotny, L, Oi, DKL, Paternostro, M, Riedel, CJ, Rodrigues, M, Rondin, L, Roura, A, Schleich, WP, Schuldt, T, Stickler, BA, Ulbricht, H, Vogt, C & Wörner, L 2023, 'Research campaign: Macroscopic quantum resonators (MAQRO)', Quantum Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 1, 014006.

Aspelmeyer, M 2022, When Zeh Meets Feynman: How to Avoid the Appearance of a Classical World in Gravity Experiments. in C Kiefer (ed.), From Quantum to Classical: Essays in Honour of H.-Dieter Zeh. Springer, Cham, Fundamental Theories of Physics, vol. 204, pp. 85-95.

Gonzalez-Ballestero, C, Aspelmeyer, M, Novotny, L, Quidant, R & Romero-Isart, O 2021, 'Levitodynamics: Levitation and control of microscopic objects in vacuum', Science, vol. 374, no. 6564.

Magrini, L, Rosenzweig, P, Bach, C, Deutschmann-Olek, A, Hofer, SG, Hong, S, Kiesel, N, Kugi, A & Aspelmeyer, M 2021, 'Real-time optimal quantum control of mechanical motion at room temperature', Nature, vol. 595, no. 7867, pp. 373-377.

Showing entries 11 - 20 out of 175