Working Papers
Costantini, M., Gunter, U., & Kunst, R. (2014). Forecast combinations in a DSGE-VAR lab. IHS economics series : working paper Vol. 309
Schlag, K., & Vida, P. (2014). Believing when credible: Talking about future plans. Vienna Economics Papers
Markussen, T., Putterman, L., & Tyran, J-R. (2014). Judicial Error and Cooperation. Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.
Powell, O. (2014). Measuring mispricing in experimental markets. Vienna Economics Papers
Huck, S., Lünser, G., Spitzer, F., & Tyran, J-R. (2014). Medical Insurance and Free Choice of Physician Shape Patient Overtreatment: A Laboratory Experiment. Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialwissenschaften (WZB). Discussion papers / Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen No. No.14-19
Sorger, G., & Mitra, T. (2014). Non-cooperative resource exploitation by patient players. Vienna Economics Papers
Shelegia, S., & Wilson, C. (2014). A utility-based model of sales with informative advertising. Vienna Economics Papers
Morton, R., & Tyran, J-R. (2014). Corruption in Committees: An Experimental Study of Information Aggregation through Voting. Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.
Funovits, B. (2014). Implications of stochastic singularity in linear multivariate rational expectations models. Vienna Economics Papers
Mayr, K., Böheim, R., & Horvath, T. (2014). Birthplace diversity and productivity spill-overs in firms. Vienna Economics Papers
Powell, O., Shestakova, N., & Gladyrev, D. (2014). The effect of financial selection in experimental asset markets. Vienna Economics Papers
Cappelen, A. W., Nielsen, U. H., Tungodden, B., Tyran, J-R., & Wengström, E. (2014). Fairness is Intuitive. NHH Norwegian School of Economics.
Hedegaard, M., & Tyran, J-R. (2014). The Price of Prejudice. Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen. Discussion Papers, University of Copenhagen, Department of Economics No. No. 14-09
Ania Martinez, A. B., & Wagener, A. (2014). Decentralized Redistribution in a Laboratory Federation. Vienna Economics Papers
Schlag, K., Tremewan, J., & van der Weele, J. (2014). A penny for your thoughts: A survey of methods for eliciting beliefs. Vienna Economics Papers
Kunst, R. (2014). A Combined Nonparametric Test for Seasonal Unit Roots. IHS economics series : working paper Vol. 303
Garcia, D. (2014). Branding and Collusion in Vertically Differentiated Industires. MPRA : Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 54101
Garcia, D. (2014). Communication and Information Acquisition in Networks. MPRA : Munich Personal RePEc Archive No. 55481
Schmidt-Dengler, P., Hünermund, P., & Takahashi, Y. (2014). Entry and Shakeout in Dynamic Oligopoly. Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW). ZEW Discussion Papers Vol. DP 14-116
Janssen, M., Parakhonyak, A., & Parakhonyak, A. (2014). Non-reservation price equilibria and consumer search. Basic research program working papers. Series: Humanities No. WP BRP 51/EC/2014