Master Economics

Guideline for Master Economics

The Master program in Economics will give those familiar with economics the tools and insights to understand research and to be ready to perform policy analysis.

You will be given intensive courses in the main topics of economics to deepen your understanding of economics. You will also have lots of freedom and even to a small degree be required to take courses from other fields, in particular from business, management and finance.

There are two tracks. The academic track prepares for doing research and is the best choice for those who wish to later study for PhD in Economics. The nonacademic/business track puts more emphasis on the applied economics and on an education beyond economics.

For more information see the curriculum (english) (german).


Study focus A (academic orientation)

Pflichtmodule (52 ECTS)

  • Growth and Business Cycles
  • Microeconometrics
  • Macroeconometrics
  • Game Theory and Information Economics
  • General Electives

Alternative Pflichtmodule (44 ECTS)

  • Advanced Microeconomics
  • Dynamic Macroeconomics with Numerics
  • Specialization in Economics

Konversatorium for Masterstudents (4 ECTS)

Master thesis (16 ECTS)

Defensio (4 ECTS)

Study focus B (non-academic/business orientation)

Pflichtmodule (52 ECTS)

  • Growth and Business Cycles
  • Microeconometrics
  • Macroeconometrics
  • Game Theory and Information Economics
  • General Electives

Alternative Pflichtmodule (44 ECTS)

  • Consumption, Production and Welfare B
  • Applied Economics
  • Specialization

Konversatorium for Masterstudents (4 ECTS)

Master thesis (16 ECTS)

Defensio (4 ECTS)

